Support A Healthy Immune System With Whole Food Nutrition

Jan 21, 2019Freddy Gardner
Support A Healthy Immune System With Whole Food Nutrition

Support a healthy immune system with a plant based diet

F. Matt Brown, Jr., M.D.

Dr. F. Matt Brown, Jr., a practicing physician in Boone, North Carolina specializing in internal medicine, urges the consumption of whole food nutrition to help support a healthy immune system.

In this video, he addresses the importance of the food you put on your fork and encourages a plant based diet rich in color and variety. Dr. Brown believes that a healthy immune system can be achieved through increased phytonutrients from a fruit-and-vegetable diet.

Dr. Brown recommends Juice Plus+ to improve key markers of health. He states, "My passion and energy are directed at empowering individuals to take control of their own health through a thorough understanding of powerful nutrition and through the use of the whole-food-based product – Juice Plus+."

Dr. Brown was head of the Internal Medicine Clinic for the U.S. Naval Hospital in Naples, Italy for three years and served two years as the head of the Clinical Investigation Branch of the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit in Cairo, Egypt. He received the Army Commendation Medal for outstanding service in coordinating medical support for the Joint Task Force clean-up operation of the Yellowstone National Park fires in 1988.

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